Teenage boy gay sex stories

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I held on to his split ends for dear life as he slurped the precum that was draining from my slit, spreading it wide with his tongue in an effort to get it all. But I moved my lips back down, hungry to take this incredibly beautiful… Continue reading There For Everyone To See (Gay Teen Stories) Allen went back down on my cock. When I had taken a little over half of Bobby's cock, my throat gagged and I had to back off a bit. and then I just kept taking more of the shaft into my mouth. Fuck me like the whore I am.” I rolled over and presented myself to him… A Sissy-Boy’s Story (Gay Teen Stories) My wet lips spread around the circumcised glans. It's all yours… Licking and sucking on my nipples, across my washboard stomach, then rubbing his face into my obscenely hard boy bulge… “Stick that big bare dick in my ass, daddy. “Breathe on it, touch it with your lips, taste it. Here are quick teasers, When I had taken a little over half of Bobby's cock, my throat gagged and I had to back off a bit… A strand was leaking from Allen too, swinging obscenely from the ridge of his cock head… “Go ahead,” Roberts murmured. Gay teen stories that will make you so horny for hot cum.

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